Schon seit 1986 beschäftigt sich Dr. Riccardo Stoohs intensiv mit den Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten der Schlaftherapie: Wie gelingt es, dass von Schlafstörungen betroffene Menschen wieder ausreichend und erholsam schlafen können, und zwar nachhaltig? Dieser Frage widmet er sich bis heute als gefragter Experte für Schlafmedizin.
Internationale Reputation
Nach mehrjähriger Forschungsarbeit an der Medizinischen Fakultät in Marburg sowie als Professor an der Stanford Universität, Palo Alto, California, USA, gründete er 1996 mit seinem Kollegen Dr. Hans-Christian Blum die Somnolab Privatkliniken für Schlaftherapie in Deutschland. 2005 wurde unter seiner Leitung das Somnolab Essen, Schlaflabor am Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus, eröffnet.
Dr. Riccardo Stoohs wurde in Caracas, Venezuela, geboren.
- Studium der Humanmedizin in Marburg
- Klinische Ausbildung in Marburg (Universitätsklinik), Palo Alto/USA (Stanford University) und Bochum (Ruhr-Universität)
- 1992-1997 Leiter des Human Sleep Research Laboratory, Sleep Research Center an der Stanford Universität
- seit 1996 Gründer und Leitender Arzt der Somnolab Privatklinik für Schlaftherapie in Dortmund, Christian Guilleminault-Schlaflabor
- seit 2004 Gründung und Leitung des Somnolab Kinderschlaflabors, Dortmund
- seit 2005-2019 Gründung und Leitung von Somnolab Essen, Schlaflabor am Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus
- Somnologe (DGSM, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin)
- Führender Experte der internationalen Schlafmedizin
- Verfasser eines Kapitels für das international anerkannte Lehrbuch der Schlafmedizin „Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine“, 6. Auflage, 2014, „Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)“
- Qualifikationsnachweis Somnologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung
- Zusatzbezeichnung Schlafmedizin, mehrfach zertifiziert
Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften
- 2005-2007 Vorstandsmitglied „The Siesta Group“, Wien
- seit 1998 Mitglied im Editorial Board “Sleep and Breathing”, Springer Verlag
- Studierendenmagazin Unis Bochum, Dortmund Essen, 12.06.2013: Schichtarbeit: Gegen die innere Uhr
- Do1 Web-TV, 20.12.2012: Schlafdefizit und Diagnose im Schlaflabor
- WDR Lokalzeit Dortmund, 31.03.2012: Karin Niemeyer sprach mit Dr. Riccardo Stoohs über Narkolepsie, eine häufig übersehene Schlafstörung.
- SAT.1 Weck-Up, 25.03.2012: Morgensendung mit Dr. Riccardo Stoohs zum Thema gesunder Schlaf.
- ZDF heute journal, 17.03.2012: Trailer zum Welttag des Schlafes: Podiumsdiskussion von Dr. Ricardo Stoohs mit den Kinobesuchern zum preisgekrönten Film „GOOD NIGHT NOBODY“, der vier Menschen mit Schlafstörungen auf vier verschiedenen Kontinenten in ihrer Schlaflosigkeit porträtiert.
- WDR Aktuelle Stunde, 03.03.2012: Bericht zum erhöhten Sterberisiko bei Einnahme von Schlaftabletten mit den Ergebnissen einer neuen Studie der Universität von San Diego, Kalifornien: Die Einnahme von Schlafmitteln erhöht nach 2,5 Jahren das Sterberisiko um 360% bis 560%.
- n24 Wissen (2012): Schnarchen – Folgerisiken im Straßenverkehr
- RTL Regional (2012): Tipps gegen Frühjahrsmüdigkeit
- Westdeutsche Zeitung (30.09.2009): Schnarchen: Risiko im Straßenverkehr
- Vortrag, Earthday, 13.11.2008: Schlafstörungen – Neueste Erkenntnisse aus den USA
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt 12/2007: Das Widerstandssyndrom der oberen Atemwege
- Wikipedia: Protrusionsschiene
Wenn die Nacht zum Tag wird, Dr. Riccardo Stoohs
MVG Verlag, 2007
Schlafstörungen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte und was Sie dagegen tun können: Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen, dass mit zunehmendem Alter Schlafstörungen häufiger auftreten. Bei seinen Untersuchungen über die Besonderheit des Schlafs in der zweiten Lebenshälfte differenziert Dr. Riccardo Stoohs zwischen Männern und Frauen, erläutert die Ursachen und Formen der unterschiedlichen Störungen und zeigt Lösungen auf.
- Stoohs RA, Aschmann A. Snoring and upper airway resistance syndrome. In: Obstructive sleep apnea: clinical issues, diagnosis, and treatment (Volume 2). C. Kushida Ed., New York: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC; 2007 in press
- Stoohs, RA. Consequences of Sleep Loss. In: Sleep Deprivation: Clinical Issues, Pharmacology, and Sleep Loss Effects. C. Kushida, Ed. Marcel Dekker. New York 2004.
- Stoohs RA. The upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) in Sleep-Wake Disorders. Edited by Meier-Ewert K and Okawa M. Plenum Press, NY, 1998
- Guilleminault C, YD, Stoohs RA. Upper airway resistance syndrome. In: Waite P, ed. Oral and maxillofacial treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1995:243-257.
- Guillemianult C, Stoohs RA. Infant obstructive sleep apnea, near miss sudden infant death syndrome, and the development of obstructive sleep apnea. In: Peter JH, Penzel T, Podszus T, v.Wichert P, eds. Sleep and health risk. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1991 47
- Guilleminault C, Shiomi T, Stoohs R, Schnittger I. Echocardiographic studies in adults and children presenting with obstructive sleep apnea or heavy snoring. In: Gaultier C, Escourrou P, Curzi-Dascalova L, eds. Sleep and cardiorespiratory control. Colloque INSERM/John Libbey Eurotext Ltd., Paris, 217; 1991
- Stoohs R, Guilleminault C. Respiratory timing, esophageal pressure, and EEG arousal during NREM sleep regular snoring. In: Kuna ST, Suratt PM, Remmers JE, eds. Sleep and respiration in aging adults. New York: Elsevier, 1991:334
- Stoohs R, Shiomi T, Guilleminault C. Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and associated cardiovascular changes. In: Kuna ST, Suratt PM, Remmers JE, eds. Sleep and respiration in aging adults. New York: Elsevier, 1991:349
- Tafil-Klave , Raschke F, Becker H, Hein H, Stoohs R, Kublik A, Peter JH, Penzel T, Podszus T, v.Wichert P. Investigations of arterial baro- and chemoreflexes in patients with arterial hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. In: Peter JH; Sleep and Health Risk
- Shiomi T, Guilleminault C, Stoohs R, Schnittger I. Echocardiography in adult snorers and obstructive sleep apnea patients. In: Horne J, ed. Sleep ’90. Bochum: Potenagel Press, 1990:441-443
- Stoohs R, Suh B, Nouriani NB, Guilleminault C. Obstructive sleep apnea related cardiac changes during NREM and REM sleep. In: Horne J, ed. Sleep ’90. Bochum: Potenagel Press, 1990:185-187
- Guilleminault C, Stoohs RA. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: Whom to treat and how to treat. In: Sleep and Respiration. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. Wiley-Liss, 989:417-425
- Guilleminault C, Edgar D, Stoohs R. Sleep and circadian rhythms. In: Meyer P, Elghozi J, Salva A, eds. Etat de veille et de sommeil. Paris: Masson, 1989:1-12
- Guilleminault C, Penzel T, Stoohs RA, Masterson MB, Peter JH. Cyclical variation of heart rate and snoring: An ambulatory device. In: Liles L, ed. Medical monitoring in the home and work environment. New York: Raven Press, 1988:265-273
- Nilius G., Farid-Moayer M., Lin C.-M., Knaack L., Wang Y.-P., Dellweg D., Stoohs R.A., Ficker J., Randerath W., Specht M.B., Galetke W., Schneider H., for the iNAP Study Group. Multi-center safety and efficacy study of a negative-pressure intraoral device in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Medicine 119 (2024) 139–146.
- Budig M, Stoohs R, Keiner M. Validity of Two Consumer Multisport Activity Tracker and One Accelerometer against Polysomnography for Measuring Sleep Parameters and Vital Data in a Laboratory Setting in Sleep Patients. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Dec 6;22(23):9540. doi: 10.3390/s22239540. PMID: 36502241.
- Stoohs RA, Gold MS. Symptoms of sleep disordered breathing: Association with the apnea-hypopnea index and somatic arousal. Sleep Med. 2022 Nov 15;101:350-356. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.11.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36473324.
- Budig M, Keiner M, Stoohs R, Hoffmeister M, Höltke V. Heart Rate and Distance Measurement of Two Multisport Activity Trackers and a Cellphone App in Different Sports: A Cross-Sectional Validation and Comparison Field Study. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Dec 28;22(1):180. doi: 10.3390/s22010180. PMID: 35009723; PMCID: PMC8749603.
- Stoohs RA, Knaack L, Blum HC, Janicki J, Hohenhorst W. Differences in clinical features of upper airway resistance syndrome. Sleep Med (2007), doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2007.02.010
Stoohs RA. Widerstandssyndrom der oberen Atemwege. Dtsch Arztebl 2007; 104(12): A 784–9. - Stoohs RA. Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome. Dtsch Arztebl 2007; 104(12): A 784–9.
(Download PDF, in German)
(Download PDF, in English) - Stoohs R, Janicki J, Hohenhorst W. Obstruktives Schlafapnoesyndrom und Upper Airway Resistance Syndrom. Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede. HNO 2007; 10.1007/s00106-007-1537-5
Duchna HW, Orth M, Schultze-Werninghaus G, Guilleminault C, Stoohs RA. Antihypertensive treatment and endothelium-dependent venodilation in sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep Breath. 2006;10: 115-22 - Guilleminault C, Abad VC, Philip P, Stoohs R. The effect of CNS activation versus EEG arousal during sleep on heart rate response and daytime tests. Clin Neurophysiol. 2006;117:731-9
- Duchna HW, Orth M, Schultze-Werninghaus G, C. Guilleminault, Stoohs RA. Long-term effects of nasal continuous positive airway pressure on vasodilatory endothelial function in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep Breath 2005; 9: 97-103
- Knaack L, Blum H, Hohenhorst W, Ryba J, Guilleminault C, Stoohs RA. Comparison of Diaphragmatic EMG and Oesophageal Pressure in Obstructed and Unobstructed Breathing during Sleep. Somnologie 2005; 9: 159-165
- Stoohs RA, Blum HC, Knaack L, Butsch-von-der-Heydt B, Guilleminault C. Comparison of Pleural Pressure and Transcutaneous Diaphragmatic Electromyogram in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. SLEEP 2005; 28: 321-329
- Stoohs RA. Sleep apnea avoidance pillow effects on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and snoring. Sleep Breath 2005 Mar;9(1):39-40.
- Knaack L, Stoohs RA, Blum HC. Tongue-muscle training by intraoral electrical neurostimulation is not a treatment option for sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep. 2004;27:1026-7;
- Stoohs RA, Blum HC, Knaack L, Guilleminault C. Non-invasive Estimation of Esophageal Pressure Based on Intercostal EMG Monitoring. Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS San Francisco, CA, USA • September 1-5 3867-69; 2004
- Guilleminault C, Khramsov A, Stoohs RA, Kushida C, Pelayo R, Kreutzer ML, Chowdhuri S.Abnormal blood pressure in prepubertal children with sleep- disordered breathing. Pediatr Res. 2004 Jan;55:76-84
Facchini FS, Hua NW, Stoohs RA. Effect of iron depletion in carbohydrate-intolerant patients with clinical evidence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology. 2002 Apr;122(4):931-9 - Duchna H.W., Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Orth M., Schultze-Werninghaus G., Rasche K. Gefäßreagibilität bei obstruktivem Schlafapnoesyndrom. Atemw.-Lungenerkrh 2001; 27: 557-563
- Stoohs R.A., Blum H.C. , Suh B.Y., Guilleminault C. Misinterpretation of Sleep-Breathing Disorder by Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. Sleep and Breathing 2001; 5: 131 – 137
- H.-W. Duchna, C. Guilleminault, R. A. Stoohs, M. Orth, J. de Zeeuw, G. Schultze-Werninghaus, K. Rasche. Das obstruktive Schlafapnoe-Syndrom: Ein kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktor? Zeitschrift für Kardiologie. 2001; 90: 568 – 575
- Guilleminault C., Faul J.L., Stoohs R.A. Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Hypotension. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001; 164(7): 1242 – 7
- Hua N.W., Stoohs R.A., Facchini F.S. Low Iron Status and Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity in Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians. Brit J Nutr. 2001; 86(4): 515 – 519
- Facchini F.S., Hua N.W., Reaven G.M., Stoohs R.A. Hyperinsulinemia: the missing link among oxidative stress and age-related diseases? Free Radic Biol Med 2000; 29:1302 – 6
- Duchna H.W., Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Faul J.L., Moreno H., Hoffman B.B., Blaschke T.F. Vascular reactivity in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000 Jan;161(1):187-91
- Stoohs RA. Over the Counter, Under the Blanket: Snoring Treatment from the Supermarket. Sleep Breath. 1999;3:45-46
- Netzer N.C., Stoohs R.A., Netzer C.M., Clark K., Strohl K.P. Using the Berlin Questionnaire to identify patients at risk for the sleep apnea syndrome. Ann Intern Med. 1999 Oct 5; 131(7): 485–91
- Wilson K., Stoohs R.A., Mulrooney T.F., Johnson L.J., Guilleminault C., Huang Z. The snoring spectrum. Acoustic analysis of snoring sound intensity in 1,139 individuals undergoing polysomnography. Chest 1999; 115 :762 – 770
- Stoohs R.A., Blum H.C., Haselhorst M., Duchna H.W., Guilleminault C., Dement W.C. Normative data on snoring: a comparison between younger and older adults. Eur Respir J. 1998 ; 11: 451–7
- Stoohs R.A. The upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) in Sleep-Wake Disorders. Edited by Meier-Ewert K and Okawa M. Plenum Press, NY, 1998
- Guilleminault C., Hill M.H., Simmons F.B., Powell N., Riley R., Stoohs R.A. Passive constriction of the upper airway during central apneas: fiberoptic and EMG investigations. Respir Physiol 1997; 108:11–22
- Schönhofer B., Stoohs R.A., Rager H., Wenzel M., Wenzel G., Kohler D. A new tongue advancement technique for sleep-disordered breathing: side effects and efficacy. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 1997; 155: 732 – 738
- Stoohs R.A., Barger K., Dement W.C. Sleep disordered breathing in primary care. Sleep and Breathing 1997; 1: 11 – 22
- Facchini F.S., Stoohs R.A., Reaven G.M. Enhanced sympathetic nervous system activity. The lynchpin between Insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and heart rate. American Journal of Hypertension 1996; 9: 1013 – 1017
- Guilleminault C., Kushida C., Stoohs R.A., Ohayon M., Wilson K., Clerk A. Should everyone be monitored for upper-airway resistance and how?
Sleep 1996; 19: S260 – S262 - Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Shiomi T., Kushida C., Schnittger I. Upper airway resistance syndrome, nocturnal blood pressure monitoring, and borderline hypertension. Chest 1996; 109: 901 – 908
- Philip P., Ghorayeb I., Stoohs R.A., Menny J.C., Dabadie P., Bioulac B., Guilleminault C. Determinants of sleepiness in automobile drivers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1996; 41: 279 – 288
- Stoohs R.A., Facchini F., Guilleminault C. Insulin resistance and sleep-disordered breathing in healthy humans. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 1996; 154: 170 – 174
- Stoohs R.A.: Picking up the pieces: the consequences of sleep fragmentation. Chest 1996; 109: 1417 – 1419
- Stoohs R.A., Gingold J., Cohrs S., Harter R., Finlayson E., Guilleminault C.: Sleep-disordered breathing and systemic hypertension in the older male. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1996; 44: 1295 – 1300
- Guilleminault C., Kim Y.D., Stoohs R.A.: Upper airway resistance syndrome. In: Waite P, ed. Oral and maxillofacial treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1995: 243 – 257 - Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A.: Arousal, increased respiratory efforts, blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnoea. J Sleep Res. 1995 Jun; 4(S1): 117 – 124
- Guilleminault C., Powell N., Bowman B., Stoohs R.A. The effect of electrical stimulation on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Chest 1995; 107: 67 – 73
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Kim Y.D., Chervin R., Black J.C.: Upper airway sleep-disordered breathing in women. Annals of Internal Medicine 1995; 122: 493 – 501
- Stoohs R.A., Bingham L.A., Itoi A., Guilleminault C., Dement W.C.: Sleep and sleep-disordered breathing in commercial long-haul truck drivers. Chest 1995; 107: 1275 – 1282
- C Guilleminault, M Partinen, K Hollman, N Powell, and R Stoohs. Familial aggregates in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Chest, Jun 1995; 107: 1545 – 1551
- Philip P., Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C.: Sleep fragmentation in normals: a model for sleepiness associated with upper airway resistance syndrome.
Sleep 1994; 17: 242 – 247 - Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C., Itoi A., Dement W.C.:
Traffic accidents in commercial long-haul truck drivers: the influence of sleep-disordered breathing and obesity. Sleep 1994; 17: 619 – 623 - Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Clerk A., Simmons J.L.:
Excessive daytime somnolence in women with abnormal respiratory efforts during sleep.
Sleep 1993; 16: S137 – S138 - Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Skrobal A., Labanowski M.S. Upper airway resistance in infants at risk for sudden infant death syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics 1993; 122: 881 – 886
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Labanowski M., Simmons J.C. Cardiac failure, snoring, ventricular arrhythmias and nasal bilevel positive pressure ventilation. Sleep 1993; 16: S139 – S140
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Clerk A. Daytime somnolence: therapeutic approaches. Neurophysiologie Clinique 1993; 23: 23 – 33
- Shiomi T., Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Schnittger I. Obstructed breathing in children during sleep monitored by echocardiography. Acta Paediatrica 1993; 82: 863 – 871
- Shiomi T., Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C. Aging, respiratory efforts during sleep, and pulsus paradoxus. Lung 1993; 171: 203 – 211
Stoohs R.A., Skrobal A., Guilleminault C. Does snoring intensity predict flow limitation or respiratory effort during sleep? Respiration Physiology 1993; 92: 27 – 38 - Stoohs R.A., Dement W.C. Snoring and sleep-related breathing abnormality during partial sleep deprivation. New England Journal of Medicine 1993; 328: 1279
- Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C., Dement W.C. Sleep apnea and hypertension in commercial truck drivers. Sleep 1993; 16: S11 – S14
- Stoohs R.A., Facchini F.S., Philip P., Valencia-Flores M.G. Selected cardiovascular risk factors in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: effect of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (n-CPAP). Sleep 1993; 16: S141 – S142
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Quera-Salva M.A. Sleep-related obstructive and nonobstructive apneas and neurologic disorders. Neurology 1992; 42: 53 – 60
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Clerk A., Simmons J.L.:
From obstructive sleep apnea syndrome to upper airway resistance syndrome: consistency of daytime sleepiness. Sleep 1992; 15: S13 – S16 - Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A. From apnea of infancy to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the young child. Chest 1992; 102: 1065 – 1071
- Quera-Salva M.A., Guilleminault C., Chevret S., Troche G., Fromageot C., Crowe McCann C., Stoohs R.A., de Lattre J., Raphael J.C., Gajdos P. Breathing disorders during sleep in myasthenia gravis. Annals of Neurology 1992; 31: 86 – 92
- Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C. MESAM 4: an ambulatory device for the detection of patients at risk for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Chest 1992; 101: 1221 – 1227
- Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C. Cardiovascular changes associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Journal of Applied Physiology 1992; 72: 583 – 589
Gillis A.M., Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C. Changes in the QT interval during obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep 1991; 14: 346 – 350 - Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A. Infant obstructive sleep apnea, near miss sudden infant death syndrome, and the development of obstructive sleep apnea. In: Peter J.H., Penzel T., Podszus T., v.Wichert P., eds. Sleep and health risk. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1991
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Duncan S. Snoring (I). Daytime sleepiness in regular heavy snorers. Chest 1991; 99: 40 – 48
- Guilleminault C., Shiomi T., Stoohs R.A., Schnittger I. Echocardiographic studies in adults and children presenting with obstructive sleep apnea or heavy snoring. In: Gaultier C., Escourrou P., Curzi-Dascalova L., eds. Sleep and cardiorespiratory control. Mo
- Shiomi T., Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Schnittger I. Leftward shift of the interventricular septum and pulsus paradoxus in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Chest 1991; 100: 894 – 902
- Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C. Snoring during NREM sleep: respiratory timing, esophageal pressure and EEG arousal. Respiration Physiology 1991; 85: 151 – 167
- Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C. Respiratory timing, esophageal pressure, and EEG arousal during NREM sleep regular snoring. In: Kuna S.T., Suratt P.M., Remmers J.E., eds. Sleep and respiration in aging adults. New York: Elsevier, 1991: 334
- Stoohs R.A., Shiomi T., Guilleminault C. Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and associated cardiovascular changes. In: Kuna S.T., Suratt P.M., Remmers J.E., eds. Sleep and respiration in aging adults. New York: Elsevier, 1991: 349
- Tafil-Klave , Raschke F., Becker H., Hein H., Stoohs R.A., Kublik A., Peter J.H., Penzel T., Podszus T., v.Wichert P. Investigations of arterial baro- and chemoreflexes in patients with arterial hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
- In: Peter J.H., Sleep and Health Risk
Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: whom to treat and how to treat.
Progress in Clinical & Biological Research 1990; 345: 417 – 425 - Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children. Pediatrician 1990; 17: 46 – 51
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A. Chronic snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children. Lung 1990; 168 Suppl: 912 – 919
- Shiomi T., Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Schnittger I. Echocardiography in adult snorers and obstructive sleep apnea patients. In: Horne J., ed. Sleep ’90.
Bochum: Potenagel Press, 1990: 441 – 443 - Stoohs R.A., Suh B., Nouriani N.B., Guilleminault C. Obstructive sleep apnea related cardiac changes during NREM and REM sleep. In: Horne J., ed. Sleep ’90. Bochum: Potenagel Press, 1990: 185 – 187
- Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome or abnormal upper airway resistance during sleep? Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 1990; 7: 83 – 92
Erste Beschreibung des UARS (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome) - Stoohs R.A., Guilleminault C. Investigations of an automatic screening device (MESAM) for obstructive sleep apnoea. European Respiratory Journal 1990; 3: 823 – 829
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A., Schneider H., Podszus T.P., von Wichert P. Central alveolar hypoventilation and sleep. Treatment by intermittent positive-pressure ventilation through nasal mask in an adult. Chest 1989; 96: 1210 – 1212
- Guilleminault C., Stoohs R.A. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: Whom to treat and how to treat.
In: Sleep and Respiration. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. Wiley-Liss, 1989: 417 – 425 - Guilleminault C., Edgar D., Stoohs R.A. Sleep and circadian rhythms. In: Meyer P., Elghoz J., Salva A., eds. Etat de veille et de sommeil. Paris: Masson, 1989: 1 – 12
- Tafil-Klawe M., Raschke F., Kublik A., Stoohs R.A., von Wichert P. Attenuation of augmented ventilatory response to hypoxia in essential hypertension in the course of aging. Respiration 1989; 56: 154 – 160
- Tafil-Klawe M., Raschke F., Kublik A., Stoohs R.A., von Wichert P. Attenuation of augmented ventilatory response to hypoxia in essential hypertension in the course of aging. Respiration 1989; 56: 154 – 160